Our Services


The wooden floor is product that must be carefully chosen and the surface where it is going to be installed must have minimum conditions. These factors can only be handled correctly by people with many years of experience in the sector, such as the one who works at Chess Wood Flooring 

Design & Architectural Elements

Thanks to our CEO's design and craftsmanship experience, together with the products we use, it allows us to offer you a varied palette of colors, texture and quality. Features that can not be overlooked if you want the result to be fabulous. 


Staining your floors offer you the possibility of giving a personal touch to a wooden floor, while you protect them from scratches and other elements that can cause damage to the floor. You can choose between a wide range of colors and products, and  matte or glossy finish. 


We offer you professional solutions for the maintenance and restoration of your floors, using products of high quality and durability. 


Either your wooden floor has scratches, stains or damage caused by water, among others; our expert team can help you repairing your floors and leave them as new.

Sanding and Refinishing

One of the best options to give an ideal and perfect finish to the floors, and that in turn is a lasting effect, is sanding and refinishing. We combine our skilled workforce with top quality materials and state-of-the-art polishers that will make your floors look like new and protect them from any damage you may suffer.